National Championships and National Competitions 2019
Summary of Changes to Regulations
Bowls England has undertaken a thorough review of the Regulations governing National
Championships (which includes qualifying rounds administered by County Associations) and National Competitions in preparation for the 2019 season. This included feedback from County Associations,including discussions at the Regional Meetings, and participants during the course of the season. Whilst the vast majority of the work has been a tidying up exercise, the following significant changes are highlighted for your ease of reference:
1. Eligibility – Mixed Pairs/Mixed Fours/Senior Pairs/Senior Singles
Players must represent the club/county from which they entered National
Rationale: Representation from County Associations and participants
2. Eligibility – Family Pairs
Includes clarification that entry is not open to husband and wife or respective in‐laws
Rationale: A number of ineligible entries were received in 2018
3. Senior Fours/Senior Pairs/Tony Allcock Trophy
Number of ends reduced to 18 in all rounds
Rationale: To fall in line with the British Isles Championships (Senior Fours) and
as a duty of care towards players, particularly at the National Championships
4. Inclement Weather
Provision for ‘common sense’ in hot weather included following the exceptional
conditions experienced in 2018
Rationale: A number of queries received by office in 2018
Number of ends required for a ‘game’ reduced in all events covered by Appendix J
Rationale: To reduce the time required for a result to be reached in case of inclement weather
5. Clothing
All reference to shoes now refers to ‘Flat soled bowling shoes’ – there is no restriction
on colour
Rationale: In order to assist with the further promotion of the sport, particularly to younger participants
6. Team Names
Amy Rose/White Rose to use ‘team names’ rather than A/B
Rationale: To appeal to younger players
7. Final qualification round in National Competitions
The final match prior to the National Finals in all National Competitions will be played on a neutral green (regardless of mileage)
Rationale: Following correspondence received in 2018 in the interest of fairness
to all players
8. White Rose
New regulation due to reduction to single rink competition from 2019.
9. Match Arrangements
County Associations may set fixed dates for Top Club (Men and Women) and Club Two
Fours (Men) subject to the rounds falling within the play‐by dates set by Bowls England
AND both participating clubs in that round being from within the same county
Rationale: At the request of a number of County Associations particularly with reference to Women’s Top Club Competition
Additional wording has been included to clarify the responsibility of the Challenger and
Opponent when arranging any National Competition match (Regulation 52.1.14 to
Regulation 52.1.23 inclusive refers)
Rationale: Following a number of enquiries in 2018 with regard to the arrangement of matches
10. Johns Trophy/Middleton Cup – Start Time
Matches shall start at 1.30pm (Johns) and 2pm (Middleton) unless mutually agreed.
The last round of group games within the same group, (excluding dead rubbers), shall
start at the same time – 1.30pm (Johns) and 2pm (Middleton) unless mutually agreed
between all competing counties.
Rationale: For the purpose of clarification
11. Men’s Top Club – Start Time
All disciplines shall start at the same time unless, when arranging the fixture, it is agreed that the singles matches shall be played on the same rink one after the other due to a number of clubs not fielding a full team at the scheduled start time in 2018.
Rationale: For the purpose of clarification
The Regulations have been approved by the Board of Bowls England.
Issued: October 2018
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